Say it with Me: Social Media is Part of Marketing | Social Media Today

I read a great blog today written by Wendy Bryant, on Social Media Today blog post. She was discussing her feelings on Social Media and the word a lot of business owners and managers forget in that statement “Marketing”.  The summary below I believe sums up all the hype better than anything I have read to date. Maybe because like so many others she is not selling me anything, she is trying to offer good sound advice. Great work Wendy

What’s the lesson here? Human connection. This brand did not solve my problem online; they took it offline and used good old, fashioned customer service. They wowed me. I felt appreciated and my faith in that brand was restored. Remember, you are on social to connect, connect and re-connect. It’s going to be good and bad. Be prepared. Be willing to acknowledge your mistakes, fix problems and help your clients. That’s what every business does: makes their customers happy. I don’t care if you’re a B2B or B2C company—get over it. We all have customers and we all have to make them happy.

Back to my opening comment, social media is part of the marketing mix. Say that with me.

Once you start thinking about social media this way your perspective will change. I agree with Doug Stephens of Retail Prophet, social media won’t save your business. You’ve got to look deep inside your company and figure out what’s right for you. If your brand is suffering fix it. Social media isn’t going to fix it. Social media doesn’t replace all your traditional media; it enhances, enriches and connects you in a way you’ve never been connected before. Get ready because it’s not going away and will continue to evolve.

via Say it with Me: Social Media is Part of Marketing | Social Media Today.