Facebook Promotions Made Easy.

ShortStack APP

ShortStack App for Facebook Promotions

I just finished a webinar on making Facebook Promotions. I have promoted this company before but was so excited about this tool I had to write another quick tip on Facebook Promotions. The Company Shortstack based out of Northern Nevada has developed an easy to use promotion and I-Frame tool that I believe everyone could run and use with little to no training.

Their tool event comes with Data base management if you are willing to pay a small monthly service charge.  They have Free services and if you are a small business looking to find less than 2500 fans locally you can use their service for under $10 a month.

Check out their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/shortstacklab

Facebook is becoming easier for businesses to use everyday. And companies such as ShortStack are leading the way.

Have fun designing and promoting.

Life Without Twitter – An Infographic | Social Media Today

Read this Blog post today and had to hare.  Enjoy.

Life Without Twitter – An Infographic

Posted May 7, 2011 by Jessica Meher with 3790 reads

Do you love Twitter? Imagine if the popular social media tool didn’t exist. What would be different?

Once we adapt to using something so regularly, it’s funny to think if it had never existed. Cars, electricity, mobile devices, and even widely used social media networks.

In the case of Twitter, would another similar social site exist instead? Would Facebook become more open?

HubSpot takes a humorous approach to what the world would be like without Twitter in this a new infographic:

Download the .pdf version here (includes interactive links)

What do you think would be different without Twitter?

About Jessica Meher

Jessica Meher is an emerging thought leader in the technology industry and is marketing manager at HubSpot, a fast-growing software company based in Cambridge, MA.

via Life Without Twitter – An Infographic | Social Media Today.

Athletes / Stars and Social Media

Hines Ward blocks for Rashard Mendenhall

Image via Wikipedia

This week has been very interesting for me in following news on several athletes which have found themselves in trouble using social media.  R. Mendenhall of the Steelers is probably the one that most are familiar with this week, with his commits on Bin Ladin which cost him thousands of fans, endorsement deals etc…

But there are several others. It has me thinking, will social media eventually lose out to traditional media because of its dangers to the rich and famous?

A with most things Social Media could easily drive personal name value for all Rich, Famous, Talented, to the point where they make even bigger profits on their names, so I see why social media would be attractive.

However, In the past year we have seen multiple cases where social media has crippled or harmed someones reputation because they put an honest opinion out for the world to see in social media.  We have become a society where honesty is not valued and respected but is something to be torn down and ridiculed when it deals with the lives of our rich and famous.

Rashard Mendenhall, spoke his mind honestly, we might disagree with him, but does that give us the right to destroy him? Because he is rich and famous is our jealousy clouding our better judgement, and are we tearing down a man, not because of his opinions but because we see opportunity to make ourselves feel more valued?

At times I admit I hear of Athletes or Movie Star tweets and think what a fool they are to opening there thoughts to the world to see. Often, I think they are brilliant and understand that even bad press can build value in their brand. And let’s not kid ourselves here, this is all about branding and value of brands. With the incredible incomes athletes and movie stars can make every thing they do is about brand. So they have some responsibility to take in knowing every word they display and every reaction they have is influencing the value of their brand.

So back to my question, will social media eventually lose ground, because the risk of Brand Value losses is too great when left to the viral nature of the web? Or will Social media become a forum of false statements and opinions in order to deceive a public opinion to favor the brand value? Will Social Media become what Fox News is and only serve their purpose and agendas to their select audience?

I would love to hear your opinion on this? What is the Future of our Social Voice?