Balancing Multiple Streams of Income

Life just keeps moving. It is crazy to think that it has now been over 10 years since I left the news media industry and started leading a life of multiple streams of income versus one employer based pay structure. Because of the success i had in my newspaper career it is hard at times to look at the past 10 years and think i have been successful. Yet the fact I have said 10 years, I guess would lead me to believe that my success has been abundant and fruitful to my personal life.

As 2024 starts to take shape, today I find my self doing a small inventory as I publish my 19th digital Sierra Rec magazine, I review the multiple partners who have trusted me annually with a digital marketing spend to share their stories and promote their business. I have managed to continue to support the SaaS services of Zoomifier and have hundreds of business owners / friends that know they can relay on me to help them in a pinch to deliver the most dynamic presentations and measure their sales success. Successful, certainly. Wildly rich and financially trouble free? Far from it.

Last night at 8pm I completed my long day that started at 7 am, to finished but mentally finished with projects for the day. It was Publishing day, once every two months the week long push as a sole entrepreneur doing most of the work myself to develop, learn and produce a digital magazine, along with multiple social media stream, a newsletter etc… And of course this would be the busiest day of the month for customer support with Zoomifier as well. Priorities, balance, patience with self as as commit to my personal way of life and the building of multiple streams of income.

Would it be easier to just commit to the Corporate world and surrender my desire to control my own roles and goals? At times certainly. Heck I remember days of nothing but meetings all day drinking coffee, thinking of solutions and really doing almost no real work, and getting paid handsomely as it would seem 50% of the meeting was meaningless chatter. The office at times more worried about the office pool for March madness than making another dollar before we went home. But the up a down career of corporate layoffs, moving in another direction, we want more meetings are not missed. Now running a life with multiple streams of income, life is about balance. Always working, yes. working on meaningful items that will produce fruit for my life down the road, yes. Worried about losing my Job, not really.

Income is just a single question away. That is what I have found in the past 10 years, besides a greater understanding of my relationship with faith and the God who loves me. Questions lead to opportunities, opportunities lead to relationships and relationships lead to income. I am constantly refreshed to learn of ways I can help people, how through doing good work with the attitude of service has lead me to great benefits in the future.

Balancing multiple streams of income is not for everyone. But if you are willing to make life about serving others and can realize that working multiple streams can be both easy if you use the tools yet constantly on, then it is a way of life that can be rewarding. I know I can make more money. But at my age also realize I am only willing to work so many hours or put forth so much effort daily, because i want to be reactive for my clients. I want to serve.

Discover the Treasures of the Twin Lake Trail in Desolation Wilderness — Sierra REC Magazine

Sierra REC Magazine – Discover the Treasures of the Twin Lake Trail in Desolation Wilderness A Favorite Westside Entry Point into Desolation Wilderness Desolation Wilderness – Trail reports – July 2022 – This one trailhead opens up a world of wilderness resources you can experience that will enliven your spirit, soothe your soul, and recharge your life…

Discover the Treasures of the Twin Lake Trail in Desolation Wilderness — Sierra REC Magazine

Stop being afraid to fail!

A great read. How often in our personal or business life do we fail by not attempting? Reminds me of a Book I just started reading called “The Mountain is you” reminding us that our fear motivations are the biggest obstacles for many of us to over come.
I also just finished the book Greenlights by Mathew mcconaughey which is about the spirt of looking for all the greenlight to move forward. Overcoming self limitations to discover the path forward.

Hope you enjoy this read from Beth Allison

Life...Take 2!

We all fail. Sometimes we fail big, something we fail small but inevitably we all fail at something at some point in our lives. Off the top of my head, right now, I can think of several things I have failed at over the years. Relationships, friendships, exams, even jobs, just to name a few….

The older I have gotten, though, the more I realize that while the word “failure” tends to have a negative connotation, I have learned so much from each of my own failures that that maybe failing isn’t so bad after all. While usually, at least initially, it kinda well sucks to fail at something, if you really stop to think about your own failures, haven’t you learned something pretty significant from each of those experiences? 

Maybe you just learn not to do that same thing again. Maybe you learn it is worth another shot but…

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What NFL Players Can Need to Learn About Target Audience

not engagedWe are five weeks into the NFL season in 2017. And the Firestorm created by the actions of Collin Kaepernick in 2016 has boiled over into a political gas fire in 2017 as President Trump and the NFL Players have erupted into a consuming news frenzy that has divided a nation further and galvanized the hearts of fans bass across the world.

I read today that NFL ticket sales are down over 15% and that TV viewership of the NFL is also in decline after many who have witnessed the protests, actually canceled direct TV packages. The once invisible NFL media front is taking a beating right alongside the President.

As I am reading articles posted today that the NFL is now asking owners to move on from the Anthem Protests and that they are considering new rules that force players to stand for the anthem, it struck me from a  business marketing standpoint that the players need to learn about target audience. Their right to protest for what they believe is an American right, their venue has incredible reach so it seems on the surface to be a legitimate, (although I don’t approve) way of expressing to a large crowd their displeasure and hope for change. However, the most basic mistake is the same that so many business people make when buying media ads or using Social channels. They forget to check who the audience is and what they are there at that time to receive.

If you got a young NFL talent alone and could talk marketing, you could take just a few minutes to explain that Audience size is only part of the equation. You could explain that the Audience Core Beliefs and Attitudes, as well as Audience intentions and Timing, play a key role in the success of a campaign.  For example, if the Audience is all Women who have cat allergies, showing up with free kittens to give away would just be wrong! Or if the Audience you are entertaining is all Vegans then doing a BBQ Rib dinner is just plain disrespectful.

The NFL Audience is so big that there are segments of every cross culture, I get that. But at the core of this audience, there is the general rule of entertainment and release/belonging.  At this core, the idea of political unrest, passionate display of disrespect, or asking the fan base to choose a side in a fight they just don’t understand, in the place they came to be entertained, is just confusing and disinteresting.  But throw in the cultural aspects of the American Flag, and country symbolism with our military and the NFL players had themselves a no-win situation.  Marketing managers all over the country should lose a month’s pay for allowing them to make a foolish display to the wrong audience.

When I speak to my audience in business it is always a topic of conversation. Should I sell on Facebook?  I love this radio Station, I should buy an ad here, shouldn’t I?  All the kids are on You-Tube maybe we should get a channel and post some funny videos?  It is always a great conversation when we break down those questions an ask, ok so who is the target audience you are trying to reach? Why will that audience care about your message? What are they looking for in the purchase decision?  Are they using that channel as an influence to lifestyle or purchasing behavior?

NFL players needed a marketing lesson before taking the bait from President Trump.  Trump has mastered the Marketing profile of his audience. He knew exactly how NFL players would react and how his Audience, greatly NFL watches and fans, would turn on the players once they choose sides.  We can Argue Trump ridiculous habits and decisions later, but just as he embarrassed the democratic party and Hillary in November of 16, he is making a mockery of groups all over the US who choose to react to his antics before considering the audience.

You want to beat Trump’s antics, you should have stood for the Anthem, then held an open house for emigrants and veterans after a game. Invited your audience to stay and raise money for awareness. Told their stories and made America turn on Trump. You should have been a little more like JJ Watt with Hurricane Harvey and used your influence to inspire people, to challenge us to care about their community and to give unselfishly.  That was a brilliant use of your medium and audience power to do good and affect real change in America.

5 – Tips for checking your Audience vs Your Mission before hitting send on your message:

  1. Review the core Audience Demo – Who is the Audience of this Channel or Event?
  2. Seek to understand Audience Motivations – Why is the Audience here, What do they Care About? What Core Beliefs might they have?
  3. Decide if the Channel of Promotion is an area where audience prefers to receive your message – where does this audience most likely to receive my message the most positively?
  4. Check your message to see if it is good for the consumer or only good for you? Am I making a statement to make me feel better, or am I providing a solution that helps my consumer?
  5. Find a Filter – Someone you can trust to check your audience and your mission to see if they messages match.

I’m certain the NFL will recover over time. But like many small and local business learn the mistake of not targeting your audience correctly with proper well thought out messages can be costly.





Top 10 Secrets of Summer in Yosemite

Great Summer Tips List for Yosemite

Yosemite Park Blog

Summer vacation fun in Yosemite is not a secret. This busy season accommodates families, students, international travelers and casual daytrippers with warm sunny weather, activities for all ages such as hiking and biking, and access to Yosemite’s backcountry for backpacking under the stars. Sharing Yosemite with so many people may seem inevitable, but visitors can still find places to call their own with unique experiences that are worthy of an Instagram or two. Unless, of course, you want to keep it all to yourself!

1. Hike in Wawona. Yosemite Valley’s iconic trails are crowded for a reason. In Wawona, you can experience the same Sierra Nevada landscape with less company at a more leisurely pace. The Chilnualna Falls Trail and the Swinging Bridge Trail put visitors face-to-face with Yosemite’s magnificent waterworks in the form of waterfalls and the south fork of the Merced River. One of Wawona’s best kept secrets?…

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